Little Shop of Horrors
Rental Package
New for
fall 2023
Full Unit Set now part of rental package!
Welcome to Rj's LITTLE SHOP rental page (formerly Audrey 2 rental page) as of 2023 we now have an entire SHOW IN A BOX! (sans costumes and drops) We have the complete props package, Audrey 2 puppet package, that includes a "Growth Spurt" between Eating of Mr. Mushnick and Audrey I, (most rentals do not include this phase.) And now, for fall of 2023 we offer the complete FULL UNIT SET into an all encompassing SHOW IN A BOX rental package.
Lets face it, Audrey 2 is hard to pull off, and look GOOD at the same time. If your group was to tackle the building the puppets and set for this show, it could cost as much as 20k dollars! If that be the case, there goes any profitability from your box-office. Let us take all that work and expense off your shoulders by supplying the entire show for you, just add costumes!
Additionally, RJ's rental property package features many hard-to-find items including the dentist mask, dentist chair, period wigs, and more for NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE! The most fluid Audrey puppet and with the props package bonus and now full set; this is a rental deal that can't be beat!
Click this link for a local news spot about the puppets:
If you like what you see, scroll down and request the itemized list with pictures of everything included. Once you've had a chance to look over it all, if you want to open a dialogue, simply write back and we can start down the Little Shop of Horrors Journey! SO, what are you waiting on?... "FEED ME!"
Our new unit set
rental package